Wake Up Happy - 5 Ways to get Up on the Right Side of the Bed

*This post has been sponsored by Death Wish Coffee. Opinions my own.

When my alarm goes off in the winter, I struggle. Admittedly, in the past week, I don’t even remember it going off a few times. Oops! Part of that is still adjusting to the time change, but most of it, comes from a discombobulated schedule that hits me this time of year. If you can relate, keep reading for tips to waking up feeling good and ready to hit the ground running each and every day!

1) Stick to a bedtime schedule. I hate to make us sound like 8 year olds, BUT, if you have trouble getting up, keeping a regular nightly schedule can definitely be helpful. Decide what time you want to be IN bed by, then set an alarm giving you enough time to get ready for bed, just like you do in the morning for work. Allow yourself time to shower, get your clothes and lunch prepped for the next day, wash your face, or any night time ritual you like having done pre-bedtime.

2) Give yourself some time to unwind - I’ve gotten back in the habit of heading to bed and reading. All of the noise is gone, no TV or music, just me and a book. This is such a huge help for me slowly drifting off to dreamland.

3) Set your coffee timer and make your coffee the night before. I am telling you, this is such a game changer! I set it for 15 minutes before my alarm goes off so I can smell it as soon as I wake up. And yes, somehow, that makes getting out of bed way easier.

*I no longer recommend the coffee seen here as I feel it’s a bit too high in caffeine. Recently, I’ve been loving the organic, True Goodness Whole Bean option at Meijer.

4) Exercise!!! Exercise is good for more than just your heart - it helps you sleep!!! If you’re currently not completing any (or minimal) activity, commit to taking a walk everyday (even if it’s a short one) and compare how you sleep on the days you don’t exercise, versus the days you do.

5) Adjust the temperature - with furnaces now running to keep rooms comfortable, you can get a little overheated under the covers if you don’t turn your thermostat down a bit at night, causing you to wake up periodically. Meaning, you won’t be getting a good night’s rest…meaning, you are not going to want to get your booty up in the morning.

CHEERS to a great morning!


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