So Good for Your Skin - Introduce Yourselves to Earth Kiss Face Masks

*This post contains affiliate links.
I think it’s SO important that we make a little bit of time for ourselves - no work, no doing for everyone else, no dishes or countertops. All of that can wait.
And before any of you think, “that’s selfish,” I’m also not advocating to neglect others. But, based on my experience and those of the women I’m closest to, it seems like we spend 99% of our day, doing for everyone else. And I don’t think it’s selfish to claim 1% of the day for yourself. That’s just over 14 minutes. Actually, I think all of us should be striving for 2% - less than half an hour, to pamper ourselves. Call me selfish.
I’m also a huge advocate for keeping things as natural as possible. Whether it’s the food we eat or the products we use, you’re going to have a really hard time convincing me that synthetic or chemically produced ingredients will ever be better for us than natural ones. I don’t buy it. And I hear it all the time, “but, but, but, in trace amounts….” - if you’re a part of the “trace amounts” crowd, tell me this: when does an ingredient no longer become trace? If we’re consuming it multiple times a day, or slathering it on our bodies in the form of lotion, moisturizer, serum, deodorant, every hair product under the sun, etc., at some point, it’s no longer trace.
You might think the above 2 things aren’t related, but they totally are, because Earth Kiss Face Masks allows us 1-2% of “me” time, while using a natural based product.
That my friends, is a win-win.
Earth Kiss believes the earth is, “an abundant source of natural health and beauty supporting plants, seeds, nuts, trees, clays and minerals.” I happen to agree. They’ve combined these naturally derived ingredients to the benefit of our skin, in a range of face and sheet masks that your skin will absolutely thank you for using!
Additionally, many of their products use Shilajit, a sticky, resin type substance harvested in the “Golden Mountains” of Altai in Central Asia. It’s naturally created from the slow compression of decomposing trees, plants and moss, returning and releasing their nutrients back to the ground. Those nutrients include at least 85 ultra-valuable vitamins and minerals, including manganese, copper, zinc, selenium, amino acids and more!
Additional masks contain Kombucha, or fermented black tea, also known as the “immortal elixir.” Just like we’ve grown to familiarize ourselves with the fact Kombucha helps us improve gut-health, we’re now learning it has a positive effect on our facial skin with antioxidants such as B1, B6, B12 and C.
If I haven’t convinced you yet, to try one of the many amazing masks offered by Earth Kiss, maybe this will help: they’re 100% vegan, eco-ethical, cruelty-free and with the complete absence of GMO’s.
You can shop the line at Superdrug, Rite Aid, Natural Grocers and Amazon.
Start feeling good about the products you’re using/consuming daily! I love that so many brands are also starting to recognize this, usually because the entrepreneurs who started them want to feel good about what they’re consuming as well. We have options, let’s start using them.