Broken Top Candles - Made in the USA

Who else loves a good candle? Finding the perfect scent is so calming and honestly, I love lighting a candle in the evening, or after I've finished cleaning.
But, did you know many candles are toxic, containing ingredients that aren't great for our bodies?
That's why I was so thrilled to be introduced to Broken Top Candles. Here's why I love them, and why they're different.
These soy candles are made with healthy, non-toxic ingredients. Additionally, the soy used for the wax is 100% U.S. grown soybean wax. The only other ingredients are essential oils. Compare that ingredient list to what you deam the best candles from Bath and Body Works, and I think you'll see my point.
Clean candles are a rarity. Clean candles made in the USA are even more rare. But, Broken Top doesn't stop there - the glass jars and lids are also made in the USA.
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Why so Many Candles are Toxic
Most candle brands use paraffin wax as their base (including Bath and Body Works). Do you know what paraffin wax is? Would you be surprised to learn paraffin is actually a waste product of petroleum? Or, that when burned paraffin creates benzene and toulene, both of which are highly toxic and known carcinogens?
Additionally, due to proprietary laws, brands with scented anything - from candles to soaps, don't have to disclose their ingredients. Many of those brands are not like Broken Top, utilizing pure essential oils to give them their amazing aromas. Instead, they use chemicals, including phthalates, which are terrible for us in a multitude of ways, and don't have to tell us they're being used in the products we're purchasing.
I use a special program that allows me to see what people are searching for in regards to a specific topic. When I looked up "candles," thousands and thousands of people were asking the question, "are Bath and Body Works candles toxic." I think that's great, because it means many of us are waking up to the fact that not everything we purchase is as great as we may have previously thought it was.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think if you have products with phthalates or candles made of paraffin, you're going to be inflicted with some terrible disease.
I do think however, our bodies are being exposed to a crazy-amount of chemicals that aren't good for us, regularly. As in daily if you're not truly aware and taking steps toward barring them from your home.
And to me, that's where the issue is. How much is too much, and are we willing to take the chance? Personally, when I can, I make easy changes, such as paying attention to the candles I'm burning. That's simple.
If you want to learn more about some of these toxic ingredients, plus DIY home cleaners you can EASILY make, free from the yucky stuff, click the below button.